Brain Jar Blog

Tips on how to make your website better, updates about our boutique web development agency, and general news about the tech world.

Website Tips

Why is my website loading so slowly?

Why is my website loading so slowly?

Have you ever asked yourself, "Why is my website running so slowly?" A number of problems could be behind this, but let's go over the first steps we take at Brain Jar to diagnose the problem. Then we'll go over one big step you can take that will probably make a huge...

Tech News

More U.S. kids have broadband

More U.S. kids have broadband

If you run a website, you know that performance is important because not everyone has access to high-speed internet or up-to-date computing devices. But according to a study by the Public Policy Associates in Lansing, MI, this is changing. The study by Drs. Rebecca...

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